Transform your Leadership Team Meeting or Offsite into a retreat. Weave in breathwork to bring a sense of calm and zen to the group. Sprinkle in meditation to help make space for creativity and innovative thinking to support your strategic planning and brainstorming. Offer yoga and pilates to help move the body and in turn provide an avenue to release tension.
The power of breathwork, meditation, yoga are scientifically proven to enhance well being. Your company is as only as strong as the weakest link. Give your team an edge by making sure wellness is truly valued and a behavior, not just a buzz word on a mission statement or an action item meant to be checked off the list. Take the first step and infuse well beingness into your culture. Sips of wellness can go a long way. Culture change begins at the top. Covid has exposed the weakest links in our systems, our beliefs, our infrastructure. If your company is feeling cracked open, embrace it… use yoga, breathwork, meditation, journaling and other healing modalties to create breakthrough transformation for you and your company, individually and collectively. Say Yes to being the leader who truly cares about the well being of their team.
Get Fit Retreats can provide in person and virtual yoga, meditation, pilates and energy healing for you and your teams. Whether it is a one hour break or an afternoon or a few day offsite, we can partner with your event planner. Need an event planner? We can recommend a few fabulous ones! Contact us to explore how we can help you create and celebrate a company transformational experience.
Reduce Stress and Increase Calm Into Your Work Day with These Two “5 Minute Resets.”
Revised February 20, 2022